Go. Make. Baptize. Be precise with what you say and bold in how you sy it. It's time for the "followers" to be leaders and truly follow Christ. It's time for disciples to be made. It's time to be urgent. GO!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Join Me

"I am turning the world off, embracing the silence. Walking away from all the voices that have been screaming in my ears. Ive been to caught up, I've been so stressed out. And all of the noise replaced the whisper that used to be so clear. So I close every door and put my face back on the floor.
To be in His arms where I belong. He never hesitates to wrap me in endless grace when I am in His arms. I am letting my fears go and giving Him control for He is the one that holds me closer in my souls darkest night.
To sit at His feet at the table of Mercy and to gaze onto the beauty of my Lord. To drink of His well and be changed by His glory. "

I have been praying about starting a new blog for a few weeks now. I have been praying for the people that I know God can use and bring Himself glory through their reading and walking along beside me in my journey with Him. I pray that this blog will bring encouragement and glory to God. I pray that the words that I express and the life experiences I share that He has so graciously blessed me with will first and foremost bring Honor to His Holy name.

This is my Journey...

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