Go. Make. Baptize. Be precise with what you say and bold in how you sy it. It's time for the "followers" to be leaders and truly follow Christ. It's time for disciples to be made. It's time to be urgent. GO!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Does Our Worship Have Hands

"If you really want to lavish your love on God, pour out your life on the Needy." Mother Theresa

Today, I wanted to share with you a song that perfectly expresses the hurt and the desire of my heart. My hearts first desire is to serve the Lord and secondly, to serve Him by sharing the His love to all of the world. That is my lifes purpose and my lifes calling, to glorify and honor Him and to give all that He has blessed me with and use it bless others in need. My lifes goal is that by the end of the day, the ones He has placed in my path would not see anything of me but EVERYTHING of WHO HE IS and HIS LOVE...

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